EXTRACTABLE at OMMA Data-Driven Marketing Conference

I just returned from the OMMA Data-Driven Marketing conference in NY. While the weather was unbelievably cold at 11 F, the topics at the conference were heated. It was great to see my colleagues Scott Briskman, Chief Creative Officer and Simon Mathews, Chief Strategy Officer present “Creativity Inspired by Data” to a packed room full of attendees. The presentation consisted of case studies and examples of how EXTRACTABLE has utilized data and insight to formulate creative decisions – and ultimately achieve great results.

While EXTRACTABLE has been immersed in data-driven marketing and design for many years, some patrons of the conference were totally new to the discussion and were avidly seeking techniques and tools to better inform their decisions and digital marketing plans. On the other hand, there were some brands who spoke of internal organizational changes and a rapid movement towards better utilization of analytics, insight-driven targeting, content and metrics.

The conference was a “first of its kind” for OMMA in that is was totally dedicated to data-driven marketing. Those of us close to this world know it truly changes everything in the way we develop digital solutions – how marketers can relate to their customers, how audiences and messaging need to be better segmented, how companies conceive and bring products to market, and how to bring about increases in business goals.

More and more companies are using new techniques, new data and behavioral trends to best implement online targeting techniques and CRM initiatives. Bottom line – there is a shift, a momentum underway that will soon be the new paradigm. What an exciting time for us all.

If you’d like to see Scott and Simon’s presentation you can it view it here: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/28748357